St. Hilda's Collegiate School, taken with my phone after a recent meeting. This picture has nothing whatsoever to do with what follows, but I like the interplay of shapes and particularly the shadow on the wall. My mother is a Methodist, liberal in her theological and social opinions. My father was a socialist, just slightly to the left, in his politics, of Karl Marx. My siblings -there are 5 of us- are all bright, eloquent and omnivorous in their consumption of books and other intellectual fodder. One of my most cherished childhood memories is of mealtimes in our little state house. The food was ingested with copious amounts of spirited, opinionated, clever and sometimes informed debate on whatever subject happened to catch the attention of one of the family that day. Or whatever one of us thought might get a rise out of someone else. So, sex, politics and religion it was then - oh and motorbikes, economics, international relations, demographics, cricket, company ownersh...
I know from my own experience of both deafness and dance there is inexplicable heightened perception of the vibration of life.
The knowing and being 'in time' with others that I am sometimes aware of is a blessing.
When I watch dance I see when dancers feel rather than hear the music and I am far more aware of the 'essence' of individual dancers and of the overall meaning of a piece than I was when I was younger and hearing.
I am sometimes overcome with a spiritual awareness in the middle of a dance piece. In this dance there is for me a reiteration of the 'oneness' of humanity- and the individual movements making one 'wave' really fascinate me and stretch my mind.
Tais' beautiful face shows such love and gratitude at being one and a part of the dance. The dance of life. There is true acceptance and serenity.
The last dance clip you shared with us also had a profound affect upon me. I didn't at the time have the courage to make comment but would like to know if others felt/noticed the extraordinary moment of truth almost as strong as a 'knowing' moment in prayer. I revisited it many times with wonder. It is when she is balanced en pointe on his head. There is a known moment of communication between them that I still don't understand.
Thank you for sharing such thought provoking beauty with us.
I was aware that the dancers in the other clip must have extraordinary communication. A friend of my daughter Catherine is a dancer, and was flabbergasted that the ballerina would take such risks with her ankles as dancing en pointe on a soft and moving surface - impossible risks unless the second by second communication between the partners was almost psychically strong and instantaneous.
She also mentioned that the particular turn executed while on the guy's head was extremely difficult to do while on a hard stable floor, but verging on the impossible on a moving surface. Would you agree?
There is an essence or spirit of the individual subsumed by the collective for a greater expressive spectacle which is particular to the eastern mind and culture and a genre that they do very well.
The precision and execution was exquisite, formidable and beautiful in a detached and unemotional way.
An astonishing piece of artistry!