St. Hilda's Collegiate School, taken with my phone after a recent meeting. This picture has nothing whatsoever to do with what follows, but I like the interplay of shapes and particularly the shadow on the wall. My mother is a Methodist, liberal in her theological and social opinions. My father was a socialist, just slightly to the left, in his politics, of Karl Marx. My siblings -there are 5 of us- are all bright, eloquent and omnivorous in their consumption of books and other intellectual fodder. One of my most cherished childhood memories is of mealtimes in our little state house. The food was ingested with copious amounts of spirited, opinionated, clever and sometimes informed debate on whatever subject happened to catch the attention of one of the family that day. Or whatever one of us thought might get a rise out of someone else. So, sex, politics and religion it was then - oh and motorbikes, economics, international relations, demographics, cricket, company ownersh...
After moving 2000 odd km to a new parish, I am disappointed you are not to be my Vicar but thank God you are to be my Bishop.
For obvious reasons I may be a little more pushy on the acceptance of homosexuality and hope I will not be in the half of the church that is disappointed. However your views on this, interpretation of the Bible and the value of other spiritual experiences are so different from what I experienced in the Diocese of Sydney.
I will be praying for you, hopefully within the cathedral, and certainly in the days ahead as you lead the Diocese.
Brian, I'm sorry too that we had such a short time together at St. Johns. I hope I can do a good job of finding you a congenial vicar.
Blessings on your real world and virtual world ministry
I also linked to the positive ODT article
I don't buy the paper, so thanks for the link. It seemed a fairly well-rounded article to me, and a nice piccy.
Congratulations, and best wishes for your future as Bishop. We all wish you well in the choir at St. Paul's.
Cheers, and many blessings,
(one of the St. Paul's Cathedral sopranos)