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Te Wiki o te Reo Maori

I am grateful to the Rev'd Andrea McDougall, Vicar of Oamaru, for preparing this:

Māori Language Week 6 July – 12 July 2016
Kia ora tātou 
July 6-12  is Māori language week in 2016.

As part of our ongoing responsibility to be good partners to our Tikanga partners, as a reminder that the Anglican church in Aotearoa began as a missionary church to the Māori, and as a commitment to living in this country with more than one official language, you might like to include some te reo Māori in your service on the Sunday concluding Māori language Week, 12 July.
To help the faith communities who want to give this a try, we have attached some resources you might use.  Please feel free to use whatever is appropriate in your context.

Resources that are attached:
  • Māori words for the tune of Kumbayah
    (easily taught for Sunday school or a simple song for the whole congregation).
  • A greeting in Māori that can be both printed in your pewsheet
         and/or used to open the liturgy
  • The kyrie in Māori
  • Māori responses to the intercessions
  • The sentence and the collect collect of the day in Māori for July 12.
         You could have both versions printed in the newsletter
  • Simple words in Māori for distributing / administering communion
  • The blessing in Māori and also the Grace in Māori.  I can email sound files for these if needed.
  • You can also find more resources at:
E te Atua  (Tune Kumbayah)
1.  E te Atua, aroha mai… x3  O God, love us
 Ake ake, tonu e…x2   Forever and ever
2.  E te Atua, manaaki mai… x3 O God, bless us
 Ake ake, tonu e…x2  Forever and ever
3 E te Atua, awhina mai… x3 O God, help us
 Ake ake, tonu e…x2  Forever and ever

Also, you may find that children in your church already know songs in te reo (from school) that may be appropriate to teach the rest of the congregation.

A greeting in Māori

that can be both printed in your pewsheet and if your service leader is comfortable, used to open the liturgy
Kia ora!     Greetings
Nau mai,     Welcome
haere mai     welcome
ki tēnei whare karakia   to this house of prayer


You could use any of the Māori greetings from the prayer book liturgies
For example p. 404.

Grace and peace to you from God.
Kia tau ki a koutou, te atawhai me te rangimarie ō te Atua.
God fill you with truth and joy.
Mā te Atua koe e whakaū, ki te pono me te hari.

The Lord be with you.
Kia noho a Ihowa ki a koutou.
The Lord bless you.
Mā Ihowa koe e manaaki.

This is the day which the Lord has made.
Ko te ra tēnei i hanga e Ihowa.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Kia hari, kia koa tātou.

The kyrie in Māori:
E te Ariki, kia aroha mai   Lord, have mercy.
E te Karaiti, kia aroha mai.  Christ, have mercy.
E te Ariki, kia aroha mai.   Lord, have mercy.

Māori responses to the intercessions:

After thanksgiving
Mō tōu aroha me āu hanga pai
Kia whakapaingia koe, e te Atua. 
(For your love and goodness
we give you thanks, O God.)

Kia whakanuia te Ariki.
Kia whakapaingia te Atua.  
(Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God. )

Kia whakapaingia tō tātou Atua atawhai
Pumau tonu nei ana mahi tohu.
(Give thanks to our God who is gracious
whose mercy endures for ever.)

After intercession
E te Atua aroha
Whakarongo mai ki tā mātou īnoi.  
(God of love
grant our prayer. )

E te Atua atawhai
Whakarongo mai ki tā mātou īnoi. 
(God of grace
you hear our prayer.)

I roto i āu mahi tohu
Whakarongo mai ki tā mātou īnoi. 
(Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer.)

E te Ariki, whakarongo mai ki tā mātou īnoi.
Kia tae atu ā mātou tangi ki a koe.  
(Lord, hear our prayer
and let our cry come to you. )

Lord’s Prayer
If you are going to use the Lord’s prayer in Māori you might like to give parishioners this link the week before, so they can practise the phrasing during the week and come ready to give it a go.

E tō mātou Matua i te rangi    Our Father in heaven
Kia tapu tōu Ingoa.      Sacred be your name.
Kia tae mai tōu rangatiratanga.   May your chiefly rule come
Kia meatia tāu e pai ai     May it happen as seems good to you
ki runga ki te whenua, kia rite anō ki tō te rangi.  on earth as it is in heaven.
Hōmai ki a mātou āianei he taro mā mātou  Give us now our bread
 mō tēnei rā.       for this day.
Murua ō mātou hara,     Put away our sins
Me mātou hoki e muru nei i o te hunga   as we put away those of the people
 e hara ana ki a mātou.     who sin against us.
Aua hoki mātou e kawea kia whakawaia;  Do not let us be led into temptation;
Engari whakaorangia mātou i te kino:  But make us have life out of evil.
Nōu hoki te rangatiratanga, te kaha,    Yours also the chiefly rule, the strength,
 me te korōria,      and the glory.
Āke āke āke.  Āmine.      Evermore, evermore, evermore. Amen.

The sentence and the collect collect of the day in Māori.
You could have both versions printed in the newsletter.
If you wish, the service leader could read the sentence in Māori.
If you wish, the congregation could be encouraged to say the collect in Māori
Alternatively, there may be someone in the congregation competent with te reo who could read the sentence and pray the prayer in te reo.

Te Rātapu Tekau ma waru o He wā anō 12 July
Te īnoi o te rā (Collect of the day)
Almighty God
you teach us in your word
that love is the fulfilling of the law:
grant that we may love you with all our heart
and our neighbours as ourselves;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
E te Atua kaha rawa,
ko te whakaakoranga o tāu kupu
ko te aroha te whakaritenga o te ture.
Āwhinatia mai mātou
kia tino aroha ai mātou ki a koe.
ā ki te aroha hōki ō mātou hoa tata
ānō ko mātou;
ki te ingoa ō Ihu Karaiti,

Sentence of the Day Te rārangi o te rā
"[God] has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son." (Colossians 1:13)
Nā te Atua nei tātou i whakaora mai i te kaha o te pōuri, ā, whakawhitia ake tātou e ia ki te rangatiratanga o tāna Tama aroha. (Korohe 1:13)

Simple words in Māori for distributing / administering communion
Ko te tinana ō Ihu, mōu   (the body of Jesus, for you)
Ko nga toto ō Ihu, mōu   (the blood of Jesus, for you)

The Grace and the Blessing in Māori.
The Grace:
Kia tau ki a tātou kātoa
te atawhai ō tō tātou Ariki, o Ihu Karaiti
me te aroha ō te Atua
me te whiwhinga tahitanga ki te Wairua Tapu
ake, ake Āmine
 Let the grace
of our Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God
in union with the Holy Spirit
rest on us all for ever and ever

The Blessing:
Ma te mārie a te Atua  May the peace of God
e kore nei e taea te whakaaro which it is beyond imagining
e tiaki ō koutou ngākau ō koutou hinengaro care for your hearts, your minds
 i roto i a Karaiti Ihu;   in Christ Jesus;
ā kia mau kia ū hoki ki a koutou  let it be established, made firm for you
te manaaki a te Atua Kaha Rawa,  the protection of God all powerful
a te Matua, a te Tama, of the Father, of the Son,
a te Wairua Tapu  of the Holy Spirit
āianei ā āke tonu atu.  now and for ever
Āmine Amen.

Pronunciation Assistance:
Andrea McDougall is happy to assist if someone wants to ring her and check the pronunciation of a particular word or phrase


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