I have been taking some photographs of late and I'll share a few here.
This is a detail of the Balclutha Presbyterian Church. I liked the way the red brick contrasted so strongly with the green of the shrub, and the way the little blue shapes in the window seemed, quite accidentally, to give a nice counterpoint to the rounded shrub.
This is a detail from a boatshed near my home. The harbour was still and clear this morning, and I strolled along the shoreline looking for just this sort of shot.This is a detail of the Balclutha Presbyterian Church. I liked the way the red brick contrasted so strongly with the green of the shrub, and the way the little blue shapes in the window seemed, quite accidentally, to give a nice counterpoint to the rounded shrub.
The sun was reflecting of the buildings on the other other side making these dramatic stripey lines
Last week I went to Doctor's Point, just North of Dunedin on another still clear Monday. This is a bit of a huckery old boat, but I liked the way thediagonals of the ropes interacted with the diagonal of the bow.
I was very taken with this little group of trees and took several shots
By and large, I prefer this one with its invitation to the wide open horizon.
These are quite typical of the shots I am coming home with lately, but I've been wondering why so few of my photographs contain people, and, whether or not I should do something about that.