A wedding at the end of the Earth. Nosa Senora da Barca (Our lady of the boat. nb. The name is Galician, not Spanish.), Muxia, Comunidade Autonoma de Galicia, Spain.
The report of that commission has been completed and published. The full text is available here, and a very good summary is found here.
The report is long, and takes some reading. I will reserve my comments on it for General Synod, but in general I believe the report is a very good one and gives us a workable way ahead. We will make opportunities for people in the Diocese of Dunedin to discuss it before General Synod. We will hold seminars different parts of the diocese. As well, I recognise that, if the recommendations of the report are adopted by General Synod, there will be significant connotations for the lives of some of some of our people. I will be available to meet with individuals or concerned groups by appointment either before or immediately following General Synod.
If this approach is adopted it will mean that an Anglican priest cannot marry a same sex couple but, if a marriage celebrant has married a same sex couple then it will be fine for an Anglican priest to then bless the union. Thus, a priest will be able to bless in one service what the Church’s marriage canon says is “unblessable” in another!
Is it possible, let alone desirable, for the Church to hold two diametrically opposed views? If so, can we expect God to be happy with such an approach and bless both "views"?
I think that considerably more thought and prayer is required on the matter.
Wynston Cooper