In a creative writing class I once took, an exercise was to write a short story with certain self imposed restrictions: in my case it was that the story would
- be exactly 1000 words long;
- Contain a discovery that leads to conflict;
- Mention 7 objects that all start with 'S' - (I chose sleeping bag, soap, sack, satin ribbon, stove, saucepan and soup);
- Have a question in every piece of dialogue;
- Mention every colour of the rainbow plus black and white, once and only once.
Leaving our accustomed world view. It's what Jesus meant by the word metanoiete, which we translate "repent" and then habitually misinterpret. Taking a new stance: its the starting point for that transformation which the Christian Gospel is all about.
Photo: Nikon D7100; Tokina 12-24 F4 @14mm; 1/200 f22. I went for as small an aperture as the lens would allow to maximise depth of field and keep focus through all the shot. I post processed with Corel PSP